Let’s think, what if we had a security system that watches the surroundings but additionally it can also evaluate and respond in real time, it would be so cool, wouldn’t it? That’s exactly what imagined when I was younger. Because, at that time we just had security systems that were traditional, which required monitoring manually. They just record the footages and we used to re-watch them if we had any suspicions (by that time, the danger might already have happened). But right now, thanks to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as open source tools, the imagination we had of what it would be to have security system that doesn’t just record but also analyzes and responds immediately has been fulfilled. In this blog, we’ll be exploring into the impact of AI on surveillance of security videos. By the time you finish reading this blog, you’ll be able to recognize the main tools and methods as well as the benefits of using AI in your security systems.
While monitoring security systems, the traditional methods completely depend on what we humans can see. The cameras keep recording the footages but those footages are usually left unseen until it is checked manually, only if something bad occurs. The main purpose of cameras are for surveillance, but these traditional methods results in limitations in surveillance itself.
But when we use AI, specifically through machine learning models, the security systems become more active. Let me list down the features AI brings:
All these features makes the security system more proactive with AI. It reduces the need of constant monitoring by humans and furthermore, it offers insights in real-time.
So, to briefly tell you, Open Source is referred to a software that have their source code available to the public, so that anyone can view it, make changes and distribute them. While we know AI is a game changer for the surveillance systems but it can be quite expensive and its flexibility may be limited. In such cases, open-source tools from AI makes it easily accessible to everyone.
Below I will let you know about some of the leading open-source tolls which are being used to develop security systems powered by the AI.
ZoneMinder is an open-source tool which is featured completely for surveillance of videos. It can work with various camera models and also allows the monitoring of several areas or zones in real-time, along with parallel detection of objects and producing alerts when necessary. It can be set up on a standard hardware which can be mounted based on your needs, either up or down.
Kerberos.io is another open-source tool which uses AI and cloud-native technologies and is designed to monitor video management. It provides footages in real-time from the cameras with several features. Some of the features include: detecting motion, heatmaps and also searches videos based on deep learning, with these features it can be an ideal tool to be used in offices, retail chains and also smart cities.
Frigate, is a specific type of open source tool that integrates with Home Assistant, which uses TensorFlow to produce object detection in real-time. This tool can identify among humans, animals and several other objects, contributing to accurate monitoring.
Viseron, is also an open-source tool that provides face detection in addition to object detection, which makes it ideal for areas with tight security. It also works well with hardware from IP cameras to NVIDIA Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi, which makes it a great option for DIY setups.
As I had mentioned before, the rise of open sources have made setting up of AI-Powered Video surveillance systems more available, which would have been more intimidating if there weren’t any open sources. Let’s get to the steps of its setup:
Even with the spread of AI in this generation, nothing is perfect. Even if it’s perfect, it does have certain challenges. Some of these challenges are:
If you’re still thinking, why should I think about using open-source security systems that are enhanced by AI? Then, let me tell you:
Affordable Prices: Compared to other tools that take a huge amount of fees for licensing, open-source tools such as Frigate are accessible for free, but even for hardware costs they just charge a small amount.
Modifiable: These open-source tools, you can modify features unlike some tools, where you’ve to live through the default features. The features can be changed as per your requirements, even training them to alert in the presence of specific motions.
Scalability: Here, you can begin by using just one camera and then start multiplying more as depending on your needs and demands. These open-source softwares have the ability to manage so many cameras easily, which makes them ideal for any area, whether its your home or your office or even the entire city.
Community Support: The community of open-source systems are always active and keeps updating their platforms. This allows you to contact them anytime you’re struck with an issue.
Lastly, after reading all this, you’ll know that open-source AI tools indeed has allowed video surveillance to get advanced, making security systems much more budget friendly, effective and scalable. It empowers the individuals as well as businesses to regulate their spaces by detecting objects in real-time, automation and even smarter ways of alerting. The most leading tools that provide these features are ZoneMinder, Kerberos.io, Frigate and Viseron. Doesn’t matter, if you want a surveillance to protect your home or you want to provide security for your business buildings or complexes, these tools gives you a more modifiable and budget friendly approach. If you use the idea AI-powered setup, your surroundings and spaces can be just beneath your eye.
Some of the popular tools are ZoneMinder, Frigate and Kerberos.io. Each of these tools have their own specific features such as object detection in real-time and scalability is much quicker.
Yes, majority of them support a large group of IP cameras. You don’t have to get a special hardware for it.
No, it isn’t hard at all!! Most of these systems have simple steps to be installed, often they offer a Docker or also a pre-configured packages.
Yes, these open-source systems gives you power to control your data and modify the security settings according to your requirements, so they are as secure possible.